The liver

With Chinese medicine there are 12 major organs. 6 are yin and 6 are yang. They are said to be paired. One of those pairs is the liver and gallbladder.They are said to be the organs of the spring and the element of wood. People who are dominated by the wood element tend to have a more wiry build and strong tendons and joints. It is not uncommon for “wood” people to be naturally thin, quick to anger, and to crave lots of intense exercise. The liver is said to move the qi and blood throughout the body and be responsible for the smooth flow of qi. The Chinese say that any unfulfilled wish or desire stagnates the qi. I think most people have had some of those.

Signs of liver qi stagnation or issues with the liver are irritability, pain around rib cage, breast tenderness or PMS, headaches, alternating diarrhea and constipation, pain anywhere in the body (lack of free flow of qi is the first thing that can lead to pain,) or depression.

I most often see issues with the gallbladder as being trouble with decision making, and pain along the gallbladder meridian. It goes on the side of the head at the ear, in the occipital region, down the sides of the torso, the butt and the outside of the leg. Chronic ear issues can be helped by dealing with the gall bladder.

Why should you deal with your liver or gallbladder stagnation when the Dr. said your liver is fine? You can definitely have issues with your organs from a Chinese medicine perspective but not your organ from a western medicine view. This is how Chinese medicine works preventively. I have seen a lot of people with long term liver qi stagnation that after many years, they end up with raised liver enzymes. Issues start as energy and then, when not dealt with, become more physical. If we can deal with them when they are more energetic and not yet physical, we can keep certain things from getting diseased. I, for one, am all about dealing with them when they are not yet physical. I know that regular acupuncture helps me to feel my best. I usually see an acupuncturist periodically whether or not I am having issues. I think its good to turn it over to someone else and not do it myself. Over the last 2 years, since the pandemic started, I have only had acupuncture when I do it and I’m definitely missing it and feeling less balanced. I can’t wait until it’s time to go back!

Herbal medicine is also very important to help you to deal with issues on a long term basis. I recommend that everyone take some liver supporting supplements, like milk thistle, when they are feeling some of the signs I have mentioned above. You can also drink many things as herbal teas. I will have some in my apothecary when I update it next month.

Eating foods like greens, citrus, grapes and olives and less meat and heavy fried foods also helps, along with regular exercise. It is important to notice what’s going on in your body and deal with it, not ignore it.




Herbal Apothecary