8 Ways to calm down when you’re stressed

What should you do when you are feeling anxious, can’t concentrate, or feel like you are crawling out of your skin? What most people need when this happens is to provide safely within yourself and really ground into your body. Here are some suggestions….

  1. Move your body. Sometimes this means a walk and sometimes it means dancing or yoga. Feel yourself in your body. Remind yourself that you are safe and present in this moment.

  2. Sit in silence and meditate. Feel yourself breathe in and out. Breathe in to count of 6, hold for a count of 7 and out for a count of 8. Get focused on your breath and be present in the moment.

  3. Go for distraction and watch something that will suck you in and forget all your problems for a few minutes. Sometimes you just need to relax and remember that life isn’t always so serious.

  4. Read a book about someone inspiring. It’s amazing how other people’s stories can really help sometimes. Remember that you are resilient.

  5. Eat something healthy and nourishing for the mind, body, spirit. Go for something that is comforting but has nutritional value. Once you’ve eaten that, have the dessert but eat something that is going to calm and nourish you first. Remind yourself that you have a body and have to take care of it.

  6. Drink a calming tea or take a calming tincture. I usually have a few varieties in the shop. I especially like, chamomile, oat straw, passion flower, tulsi, to name a few.

  7. Remind yourself that this too shall pass and you will not feel like this forever.

  8. Call a friend or loved one. We all need other people.

These are the things that work for me! Hopefully they will help you too!


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