How can you start to learn from Chinese medicine for late summer.

I use Chinese medicine every day and I often don’t realize I do. I pay attention to what the weather is and is supposed to be the near future. If, as it is right now, it’s humid, i might stay away from a few things that help to lead to dampness in the body. That decreases the Spleen, which is the main

In late Summer in NY, where I am, it can be very humid. Many people are very susceptible to dampness, which can look like problems with yeast and fungus. People might be sluggish, they might have some loose stool, and they might just be tired. If you can it’s better to try to stay away from dairy, sugar, fried foods, and alcohol. If you must can’t satay away from those, try to add some peppermint tea into your diet. I do not have a huge tendency to dampness to currently, i indulge in some cheese, but i balance it out with not eating sugar and only very seldom have alcohol. Experiment with what you can handle and if you feel bad or are noticing issues, clean up your diet and see how you feel.

As usual move your body. find something you love and do it. Moving your body helps your physical health but it also helps your mental health.

In Chinese medicine there is also a belief in the importance of preparing your body for the season ahead. This often seems confusing to me. If it’s very hot outside, go ahead and eat some fruit and have some hibiscus and peppermint tea. If it’s a little cooler, have some roasted veggies and some meat and have ginger tea. The big thing to remember is try to find balance.


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